

Picture of 在国家航空日庆祝飞行

The exhilaration of flying is too keen, the pleasure too great, for it to be neglected as a sport.


国家航空日 was established in 1939 by Franklin D. 来庆祝航空的发展. The auspicious date was selected to honor 奥维尔·赖特, who was born on August 19, 1871. Mr. Wright was alive when the presidential proclamation was issued and lived to share in nine more 国家航空日 celebrations in which American citizens are encouraged to engage in aviation-related activities.


In 1939, NASA’s organizational predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (N.A.C.A.), was 24 years old and already working on ways to help aircraft “fly faster, 更高的, 更远的, 货物和乘客也越来越多.” In 2017, you’ll find NASA-developed technology in every U.S. 飞机及空中交通管制塔仍在运作.

With eyes fixed on meeting the needs of tomorrow’s global aviation community, NASA’s aeronautical innovators are currently refining existing designs and utilizing state-of-the-art technology to:

  • 改善飞机空气动力学
  • Decrease a number of harmful emissions released into the atmosphere
  • 减少燃料消耗
  • 让各种尺寸的飞机更安静
  • 提高空中交通管制效率, in partnership with the Federal 航空 Administration
  • Design, build and fly a variety of experimental aircraft called 验证机 为了展示21世纪 飞行的想法


NASA suggests that 国家航空日 be used to “excite and inspire the young people you know about exploring aeronautics as a future career.” In fact, there’s never been a greater need for qualified, skilled, and experienced pilots. 飞机制造商波音公司解释, “as global economies expand and airlines take delivery of tens of thousands of new commercial jetliners over the next 20 years, there is an extraordinary demand for people to fly and maintain these airplanes.”

从现在到2036年, 航空业将需要提供637架飞机,000名新的商业航空公司飞行员, 648,000名新维修技术员, 和839年,1000名新机组人员来驾驶这41架飞机,030 new commercial aircraft Boeing expects will be in service by 2036, 根据 2017年波音飞行员和技术员展望. 这些数字代表一个3.比波音2016年的报告增加了2%.

Boeing breaks out the worldwide demand for new pilots over the next 20 years by region:

  • 亚太地区:25.3万
  • 北美:11.7万
  • 欧洲:106000
  • 中东:6.3万人
  • 拉丁美洲:52,000人
  • 非洲:24000
  • CIS /俄罗斯:22000


The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. 为什么不应该呢? -这和天使呼吸是一样的.


如果你一直想知道飞行员是否适合你, seek out a flight school at your nearest general aviation airport that offers an introductory flight lesson at a discounted price. NASA suggests you can also look into local flying clubs or Civil Air Patrol in your area. To get a feel for flying with your feet firmly planted on the ground, check out this trial version of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X that includes two airports, 两个任务, 三架不同的飞机, 都发生在加勒比海. 这是翱翔的最佳方式? 接受过扎实的教育.

新濠天地app大学, in cooperation with the Community College of Beaver County (CCAC), 开设商科双学位专业 & 航空及使团 & 航空. 专业方向包括专业飞行员, 空中交通管制, 航空航天管理与无人机.

 If you’d like to learn more about the biblically based, 新濠天地app以基督为中心的教育新濠天地app很乐意帮助你的未来飞起来. 有关如何使用的更多信息 新濠天地app大学 can help you pursue your aviation career goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email web@advoffice.net.

Opinions expressed in the 新濠天地app的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The 新濠天地app的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, 以及对真理的追求, 符合新濠天地app作为基督徒的哲学, 文科院校.




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