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Empowering The Next Generation Of Women Engineers

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女工程师协会(SWE)是一个由40多名成员组成的国际组织,000 members around the world. SWE成立于1950年,是世界上最大的工程和技术领域的女性倡导者. SWE为其成员提供专业支持和资源,帮助女性在男性主导的领域中发展. SWE的使命是“激励女性在工程师和领导者的职业生涯中充分发挥潜力”, 扩大工程专业作为提高生活质量的积极力量的形象, and demonstrate the value of diversity.” [i]

SWE新濠天地app新濠天地app分会成立于2013年,自成立以来取得了显著的发展. Karen Mlynarski, the Administrative Assistant of the Engineering Department, 是俱乐部的指导老师,从俱乐部成立以来就一直与学生领袖一起工作. 新濠天地app的使命宣言是“装备学生为上帝和邻居忠心和富有成效的服务”。 [ii] and Mrs. Mlynarski says that this mission is foundational to Geneva SWE. She says, “If you are given the God-given gifts then you do it, 无论你是男性还是女性”,SWE是女性在追求自己选择的职业时获得支持的绝佳资源.

SWE is a valuable resource for Geneva students, because it includes resume reviewing, conferences, scholarship opportunities, skills training, help finding interviews and internships, and networking. It is useful for academic development, 而且对专业发展也有深远的影响,可以超越大学环境. 新濠天地appSWE有一位名叫玛丽·蔡斯特的顾问和代表, 谁在为学生提供专业支持方面发挥着重要作用. 工程教授也支持新濠天地appSWE,并努力确保他们的学生为职业生涯做好准备.

web-thumbnail-size-31.jpgSWE is valuable for women in STEM fields, because it provides support with professional development, 但除此之外,它还创造了一种合作和联系的氛围. Delaney Winterhalter ’25, is majoring in Civil Engineering, and she is the outreach coordinator for Geneva SWE. She finds SWE to be an incredibly encouraging atmosphere. When she came in as a freshman, 她发现有一个可以与其他工程师互动的俱乐部是令人鼓舞的,她很有希望与系里成功的高年级学生交流. SWE provides significant support with getting interviews, finding internships, and learning useful skills, 但SWE的影响不止于此,它是一个让女工程师团结在一起、在更深层次上感到联系的地方.

Beyond being a place to find friends and peers, SWE is also a place where women can find a sense of belonging. 23岁的凯特琳·塞弗(Caitlyn Cipher)是新濠天地appSWE的主席,她指出,SWE不仅仅是新濠天地app分部. 对于这个俱乐部的女性来说,认识到她们和她们一样是一个由女性组成的国际组织的成员,这是令人鼓舞的. For many, SWE can provide a profound sense of belonging, because women can recognize that they are not alone, and they can make a difference in this field. Mrs. Mlynarski补充说,SWE在大学和国际层面都提供了一种归属感. Firstly, women can feel a sense of belonging at Geneva College, 因为她们是这个为相似目标而努力的女性群体的一部分. In addition, there is this sense of international belonging, because SWE connects women from around the globe, 成为这个组织的一员可以让女性感觉到自己是这个大群体的一部分. They truly are not alone.

同样值得注意的是,在工程领域有女性总体上是有益的. Caitlyn Cipher说:“我认为多样性是每个职业都需要的. No matter what you do, you need multiple perspectives. 女性提供了与男性不同的视角,该领域人员的多样性从整体上改善了该领域.德莱尼·温特豪德也赞同这一观点,她说:“我认为女性非常适合从事工程工作。. 它不仅需要学术知识,还需要沟通、演讲和解决问题的能力.“一个人要成为一名优秀的工程师,不仅必须符合特定的模式. In fact, the opposite seems to be true. 当有不同观点和技能的人在一起时,工程领域就会得到改善.

web-thumbnail-size-32.jpgSWE在新濠天地app的另一个有价值的方面是有很多参与和参与的机会. 凯特琳·塞弗说:“如果新濠天地app有知识渊博的人,新濠天地app该如何利用这些知识.“SWE不像一门额外的课程,你只需要坐下来听讲座, it is an opportunity for to students to interact with their peers, 接受他们在课堂上可能没有经历过的实践培训, and receive support for their professional development. SWE有很多机会让学生参与,如果他们感兴趣的话, 正是成员的积极参与使SWE如此有价值. 凯特琳·塞弗说:“出现的女孩造就了这个团体.“他们的持续参与使俱乐部得以继续发展.

Despite some misconceptions, SWE is not only available for women, but they also encourage the attendance of male students. Mrs. 姆林纳斯基指出,在一个男性主导的领域,男性对女性同事的支持大有帮助. Caitlyn Cipher也评论了这个话题,她说这个领域比以前得到了更多的支持, and it will continue to get better. SWE旨在鼓励工程领域的包容性和多样性, 当同事和同事相互支持时,这种团结就会出现, whether they are male or female. So, Geneva SWE encourages the attendance of male students, 因为对女学生来说,看到同龄人的支持是很有价值的.

SWE是新濠天地app校园里一个很有价值的俱乐部,它为工程专业的学生提供了一个空间,在那里他们可以与其他同样热衷于在工程领域支持女性的人联系. 人们对工程有很多刻板印象,SWE正在努力打破这些刻板印象,为这个领域带来更多的多样性. Ultimately, engineering can be for anyone who has the passion for it. As Mrs. Mlynarski has said, “If that’s the path for you, go for it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a man. If you have the ability, go for it.“SWE为女性提供资源,让她们追求梦想,追随自己的激情.


-Mattigan Burleigh '24





Mar 13, 2023

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